LA-based Bark’N’Borrow came to BMV to help launch their bootstrapped dog sitting/borrowing app into an already overcrowded “dog tech” market. Through narrative development, branded content campaigns such as the “Most Eligible Dog“, and creative media relations strategies, BMV orchestrated a launch that even the company’s founder couldn’t believe.
- BMV secured coverage in digital and traditional publications, including The New York Times, People, Elite Daily, TeenVogue, TIME, Vice, NBC News, Fast Company, Business Insider, Forbes, KTLA, NBC Los Angeles, etc. to drive app downloads, cultivate investor interest and build brand awareness among millennials and potential investors.
- This coverage was shared more than 100K times and led to more than 50K users signing up for the service in its first two weeks.
- Bark’N’Borrow broke into top 10 most popular apps in the iTunes Store and was a featured on Product Hunt.
- Two years after the launch Bark’N’Borrow had a successful exit.